Risky lifestyles and apps go hand in hand

April 26, 2013
Life is full of risks and choices that have to be made without knowing the outcomes, but technology has opened the door with a variety of new apps that have the potential to ease the risks and make choices easier.
No longer do consenting adults have to wonder if they’re taking a risk of catching a pesky sexually transmitted disease should they choose to hook up. MedXSafe, a feature of the MedXCom app, allows users to just bump phones to check for those STD’s.
The app feature allows two users to bump their phones and automatically exchange a photo, email address, telephone number and their STD status as long as they have given permission to their physician and the physician has subscribed to MedXCom’s physician service that comes with a fee, according to MedXCom’s website.
“I think it’s an invasion of privacy,” said Kathy Tran, 19, a biology major. “I think people should disclose to you if they want you to know where they are at or their personal information and you shouldn’t get that information through apps.”
While Tran is cautious about the use of apps like MedXSafe, others see the possible virtue in their use.
“It makes everything more convenient,” said Ahmadullah Moughuddim, 20, a business management major. “Sometimes it might start problems too, but I mean with the good there is the bad. It’s like mo money, mo problems.”
MedXSafe is just one of many newer uses for phone and tablet applications that have sprung up in recent times.
DrinkTracker is another app, one that keeps track of your blood alcohol content when drinking.
If DrinkTracker shows you’ve had too many drinks during that search for a companion and you’re lacking a designated driver, then Cab4me has you covered.
With this new app, anyone can find a cab when they really need one. The app starts you off with a map to find your approximate pickup location and the nearest taxi stands in your area before you switch over to the call tab to get a list of local companies, according to their website.
“I guess they could be useful and could help,” said 20-year-old film and media studies major Evan Apollnio. “But overall I just think it’s kind of crazy that someone actually came up with that idea. They probably just want to find out things the quickest way possible.”
Should that night out lead to finding a disease free companion and things take a more serious turn, another app has got your back if it’s time to think of children.
Ovuline is the brainchild of a Boston man that allows users to share information they collect through the app, which then uses algorithms to make predictions about when a woman is ovulating, according to a report through CBSBoston.
If the Ovuline app works for you and you want to make sure you’re eating healthy while pregnant or getting healthy food for someone that is pregnant you can get Fooducate, an app that lets you know the nutrition facts of food.
While each and every app listed has it’s uses and has the potential to change the way people live their lives, Tran isn’t sure that is a good thing.
“I think we’re becoming really reliant on apps and technology and that it’s just kind of taking over our world,” Tran said. “I think the advances of technology are really amazing but what it kind of does to us as humans and how we function, how we’re so dependent on it, I think it’s not good.”