Campus art gallery has grand opening after more than twenty years of waiting

Jelina Cortero

“Snow,” a piece by Art Professor Yoshio Taylor, was one of many pieces of art on display for the very first show in the new art gallery at CRC.

Cosumnes River College held a Grand Opening for the new art gallery on campus on Oct. 10.

The exhibition, curated by CRC’s art professor Yoshio Taylor, is titled Renaissance and presents artwork from several of CRC’s fine current and past art faculty.

“This is our most exciting opening because we never had the gallery before,” Taylor said. “This is 20-plus years in waiting. So, like myself, I’ve been here over 30 years and it’s been sort of a dream come true kind of a deal. I’m hoping to exhibit what we have here at CRC as faculty work, strong, talented faculty work, to our own students as well as the community surrounding and beyond.”

The event opened with live music from music Professor Steven Coughran. As guests arrived, they signed a guest book and enjoyed refreshments, such as chilled drinks, wine and various finger foods. As guests roamed the event, CRC’s fine art faculty exhibitors proudly showcased their artworks.

Art Professor Marcelle Wiggins showcased 2 of her paintings and was pleased with how the grand opening of the gallery turned out.

“The grand opening went fantastic. A lot of people came. Past students, who I haven’t seen in almost 15 years visited and commented on how beautiful the gallery is,” Wiggins said. “We’ve been waiting a long time for this and it’s definitely paid off.”

The exhibit showed both 2D and 3D artworks and were strictly paintings, print work and sculptures.

Photography Professor Kathryn Mayo (left) and Art Professor Margaret Woodcock (right) socialize while walking through the gallery looking at the various pieces of art displayed in the exhibition.
Jelina Cortero
Photography Professor Kathryn Mayo (left) and Art Professor Margaret Woodcock (right) socialize while walking through the gallery looking at the various pieces of art displayed in the exhibition.

“We have fifteen different artists who are represented, and it’s all studio faculty,” said Art Professor Margaret Woodcock. “So, everybody who has taught studio classes for us: drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, design, all of that. So, it’s basically featuring the faculty and the program.”

However, the art gallery grand opening is not only to showcase the talent of CRC’s art faculty but also gain campus exposure.

“We expect exposure to the larger CRC community and also to the greater community outside of our campus,” Woodcock said. “Invites have gone out to local organizations and people we know and all that. It’s really the awareness that this gallery exists.”

“I’m just trying to be aggressive on exposing this gallery as much as I can,” Taylor said. “I hope people notice the gallery, it’s the biggest one of the whole Los Rios Community College District and they take that opportunity to be exposed to professional artwork.”

The exhibit is split into two events, showcasing different art pieces. The first beginning on Oct. 10 and ending on Nov. 6. The second show will begin on Nov. 7 and end on Dec. 5.