Student clubs flock to quad to promote themselves and show spirit

Ceejay Willis

Members of the Cosumnes River College Veteran’s Resource Center had a table in the quad to bring awareness of the services they offer to veterans. Students that attended the fair voted for their favorite club or group, and the VRC received the most votes to win the 2015 Spirit Award and a $250 check on March 25.

Tables lined the quad walkway between the cafeteria and library as members of Cosumnes River College’s various clubs waited eagerly to show what their clubs are all about as part of the bi-annual Club Activities Fair on March 25.

The event, which happens once a semester, was hosted by the Clubs and Events board, which is part of the Associated Students of Cosumnes River College student government.

“This club fair is like a platform,” said Diop Club President Kenneth Cooley. “It allows me to say ‘hey we are one of the clubs that’s on campus, come check us out.’”

The Diop Club was just one of the many CRC clubs that used the event as an opportunity to present their message to a wider audience. Some of the clubs, like the Students for a Sustainable Future club, said they not only wanted to garner support for their club but also wanted to promote new messages they may have.

“Along with the awareness that we get and the outreach with students, we wanted to focus primarily on our campaign which we are launching, Take Back the Tap,” said SSF member Cesar Aguirre.. “We are taking pledges, we are seeking funding [and] asking for donations from staff, all in an effort to raise awareness.”

Becoming part of an organization that promotes a personal goal is a great feeling Aguirre said, as he’s been a member of SSF since it was started.

“It’s an awesome club to be part of,” Aguirre said. “It’s honestly changed my view on life and given me a direction as far as what I want to do with my education.”

Many of the clubs had displays at their booths to show off information about their clubs. Others had more interactive measures like the SSF’s tap water vs. bottled water taste test.

“It’s really cool how many people are here,” said Stephanie Sanders, 19, an undeclared major. “I got to see what all these clubs offer and also take some pictures and enter into some raffles.”

One of the pictures that fair attendees could take was with the school mascot Hawkeye, against an orange and blue backdrop with balloons scattered about near their feet.

While some of the clubs, such as the Anime or League of Legends Club, focus on more niche subjects that are entertainment based, many of the other clubs are focused on wider subjects from different ethnic groups to causes to wider world concepts.

“If you’re interested in what’s going on, not just with our community, but in America, check out a club,” Cooley said. “It’s really interesting and students here really express interest.”

The Club Activities Fair not only gives students the opportunity to gain an understanding of what their campus offers, it also gives them a chance to show how much spirit the clubs and their fellow students have.

During the fair students able to vote for their favorite club using beans. Those beans were weighed at the end of the fair in order to determine the winner of the fair’s Spirit Award.

The winner of the spring 2015 Spirit Award and a $250 check was the Veterans Resource Center.

While the chance of winning an award or being able to pass on a message were perks to the event for the clubs involved, there were other perks for those that attended the event.

“I can go back to my son and show him that I took a picture with Hawkeye,” said Dayshia Griffin, 24, a communications major. “I can show him that I am part of a good place.”