Professor’s cookbook guides you through any level of healthy eating

Eating healthy is definitely easier said than done. All the complex recipes with ingredients you can hardly pronounce, the prep time and the idea of cutting out those favorite snacks can easily turn someone away. One cookbook has made it easier to transition into a healthier lifestyle.

“The Foodie Bar Way” written by Nutrition Professor Timaree Hagenburger acts more as a guidebook to healthy eating whether you are just starting out or are a full on health nut. The book focuses on a healthy, plant-based diet, making it vegetarian friendly as well.

Different from other cookbooks “The Foodie Bar Way” isn’t just a collection of recipes, but focuses on a completely customizable experience. Imagine a taco bar but with favorite foods like pizza, pasta and baked potatoes; and all good for you. If you don’t like an ingredient, just swap it out. Hagenburger even provides a list of alternative or extra ingredients, along with a recipe for each “bar.”

Each “bar” has two lists of ingredients. The “Basic Bar” gives a small list of common but healthy ingredients to use in your cooking while the “Raising the Bar” gives a longer, more intense list of ingredients that any dedicated health junkie would enjoy.

Living in a household where we are polar opposites when it comes to healthy eating, I found the book to be extremely useful in stifling complaints from either side.

The book even has sections specifically for healthy snacks and sauces from kale chips and garlic veggies to almond pestos and a “date night” caramel sauce.

The provided space to write in your own additions, favorite combinations and many other tips for next time made it memorable and easier to use each time.

Hagenburger also added different facts and tips about shopping, prepping or cooking that I found either incredibly useful or just very interesting.

While some cookbooks tend to get boring, this book can easily surprise you with its plethora of combinations and get you excited to try a new healthy option.

If you are someone who likes to stick to a recipe, Hagenburger’s recipes are simple to follow and fairly easy to make. Being plant-based, it seems that there are less steps to a very satisfying meal.

“The Foodie Bar Way” undoubtedly stays true to its motto “One meal. Lots of options. Everyone’s happy.”

“The Foodie Bar Way” can be purchased online as an ebook or paperback at