Tutoring center makes the shift to remote learning

With the campus shifting to remote learning, the Tutoring Center has also made the move, offering its services online and students can enroll through Canvas or the CRC website.
“It doesn’t cost anything,” said Tutoring Center Coordinator Ryana Fisher. “There’s no grade. There’s no hours you need to complete. You get enrolled in supervised tutoring.”
According to the online tutoring master schedule, which can be found on the CRC website, math tutoring is the subject offered most often. Other subjects offered include biology, chemistry, English and more.
A number of new subjects are being offered this semester, including a number of journalism and communications courses.
“If faculty can make recommendations and send students our way, we’re more than happy to expand our subjects,” said Fisher. “We have a nutrition tutor we’re hiring right now.”
As for the accounting lab, it has been joined with the tutoring center, said Fisher.
Students can enroll in the tutoring center by going to the CRC website and clicking on the tutoring option under the student resources tab. Then, they can go to the tutoring center option and click on the orange “Access Online Tutoring” button.
“When you’re prompted, you’re going to log in with your W-ID and password,” said Fisher. “Then it will automatically take you to accept the course Online Tutoring. Then, click on Online Tutoring on the left-hand side, and it will take you to Pisces or NetTutor.”
Fisher encouraged students to use Pisces, which is CRC’s own tutors, whenever they are available.
NetTutor is a third-party service students can use whenever the tutoring center is closed, or to use if they don’t offer a certain subject.
Both Pisces and NetTutor use the same platform, making switching from one to the other easy for students.
Each service is divided into subjects, and when a tutor is available for the subject a student wants tutoring in, they can select that subject and drop in with a tutor.
The tutor will be available through video or voice chat, and both the tutor and a student can use the virtual whiteboard to write, draw or upload files.
In addition, each subject has a locker that saves tutoring sessions so students can refer back to previous sessions.
The Math Center and Reading/Writing Center are both being offered online as well; however, they are courses that offer units, said Fisher.
They also require a minimum number of hours in order to get credit for the course, and take place on Canvas, rather than Pisces, said Fisher.
It is important for students to know what they are struggling with before coming in for tutoring, and to come prepared.
“Come in with questions, write them down if you have to,” said Zack Hardy, a psychology and English tutor. “Knowing what you need help with beforehand can help.”
The tutors teach in a way to give an understanding of how to complete a problem, rather than just giving the answer, said Fisher.
“Sometimes tutors use a questioning approach and it’s not because they’re trying to grill the students,” said Fisher. “I’m questioning you to get a really good understanding of where you’re getting stuck.”