CRC prepares campus for staff and students amidst Omicron spread
As the Omicron virus continues to spread throughout Sacramento, CRC prepares for staff and students to return to campus. Preparation includes building updates, in-person class dates and more.
While the surge in Omicron cases delayed the start of the semester, Cosumnes River College continues to prepare for in-person classes.
Students are still required to adhere to the previously set vaccination requirements and mask mandate on campus.
Medical Advisor Dr. Bijan Bijan, who teaches in the medical sonography program, said he’s not familiar with what the plans are for opening CRC.
“We just need to follow the guidelines of the CDC,” Bijan said. “I think that would be the most efficient way to handle the situation.”
While the booster shot is not required, Bijan recommends that individuals receive it in order to protect themselves and others.
“Immunity in certain populations doesn’t last long,” Bijan said. “Flu vaccine immunity is for about a year. This one is less than that, about four to six months, therefore a booster shot is needed.”
Bijan added that not every COVID-19 strain is as receptive to the vaccine.
Bijan said that the booster is meant to prevent people from being admitted into the Intensive Care Unit and dying.
College Nurse Michelle Barkley said the Los Rios Community College District is trying to work with the local public health department in terms of guidance on what to do.
“Since the beginning of this pandemic, we don’t know what’s going to happen in the next five minutes,” Barkley said.
With the return back to campus, Barkley said students who opt for exemptions are required to get tested every week.
COVID tests are available on-campus and students can visit COVID-19 Testing | Los Rios Community College District to schedule an appointment.
Barkley also noted that since winter break, a majority of the buildings at CRC have had new ventilation systems installed.
“I have checked in with my operations people and I know for sure my building has the needed filters,” Barkley said.
Chris Raines, who is the director of administrative services at CRC, said almost all of the buildings at CRC have updated ventilation systems, The Los Rios Community College District Facilities Management said all buildings that are currently occupied have filters.
The Facilities Management will continue adding more filters as campus occupancy increases. Depending on the type of building and its size, filters will be replaced in intervals of four to six months.
Nineteen-year-old business administration major Dominique Johnson said she has an in-person film class that is scheduled to start Feb. 22.
“I would just love to be around people again because it’s been almost two years since I’ve been in the classroom so I think it would be a great chance to be able to return,” Johnson said.
Courses that were originally scheduled in-person this semester, including science labs, arts classes, and other lab/activity classes resumed on ground on Jan. 31.
For more information regarding reopening Los Rios, visit the COVID-19 updates page.