Rough season start continues for Hawks as they take on the Rams

Nick Valenzuela

Rams freshman forward Kambria Morrison kicks the ball into the face of Hawks sophomore forward Selina Barbosa during the second half of the teams match on Sept. 9.

Cosumnes River College’s women’s soccer team fell short of victory during their game against the Fresno City Rams on Tuesday.

The game began with a bang, the Ram’s scoring a goal in the first minute and a half.

The Hawks came close to scoring a few times, but could not get the ball in the net..

It was 25 minutes into the second half when the Rams scored a second time. That was the last goal scored in the game as the Hawks could not muster up the needed opening to score, losing the game 2-0.

Hawks’ head coach Cesar Plasencia said he knew where the team went wrong.

“We have to find a way to be more dangerous and get scoring opportunities,” Plasencia said.

A more dangerous playing style would have helped the team against the Rams, as the visiting team played a very aggressive and quick game. It was common to see players wrestled to the ground for the ball throughout the match.

Kori Martin, a sophomore defender for the Hawks, took a hard fall and teammate, sophomore forward Selina Barbosa took a ball to the face in the second half.

Sophomore forward Jena Mamola said that bringing their individual skills together better would help the team going forward.

“Up top we need to build, because behind we build really well and that’s a lot of what we work on in practices is building,” Mamola said. “So I think we just need to work more as a unit up top and through the middle, but I think we’re advanced individually.”

While the game didn’t go in their favor, the Hawks did not make either of the Rams’ goals easy for them.

“They were very good, they had high pressure and they were very physical,” said Vanessa Penuna a sophomore midfielder for the Rams.

The Rams head coach Oliver Germond echoed Penuna’s thoughts on the game.

“I thought in the first half Cosumnes did a good job pressuring us and so far this year we hadn’t felt that much pressure,” Germond said. “So I think they did a good job catching us off guard a bit but we were fortunate enough to get that first goal early in the game.”

This is only the fourth game the team has played this season.

With two ties and two losses under their belt so far, players are remaining optimistic for future games.

“I think we played well,” said Hanna Doughty, a freshman forward for the Hawks. “It was tough losing, but we’re a really good team and we have new players and so as long as we just keep practicing and keep our confidence up we should be able to beat any team.”