Students react to the remembrance of Pearl Harbor

Three quarters of a century ago,  a deadly attack was carried out on the shores of Hawaii. This tragedy washed up on Hawaii like an unexpected Tsunami.  Pearl Harbor was struck in devastation, explosions, and blood. Years later in 2016, some think that the nation does not reflect and honor that day as true as it should be.

On Dec. 7, 1941, the United States came under attack by Japan and over 2,500 people lost their lives at Pearl Harbor. The nation dedicates the day in remembrance of the disaster.

“I think because it has been 75 years since the attack, many people that experienced the attack  as a nation are not alive anymore and that is why it’s not as big maybe as 9/11, because we didn’t experience it,” said Carley Robins, a 21-year-old undeclared major. “But, I think it is honored, but in a different way other than let’s say 9/11.”

Different Government officials took to different social media platforms to make a memorial post in remembrance of Pearl Harbor. President-Elect Donald Trump took to Facebook and posted a lengthy memorial message.

“We treat Pearl Harbor as if it almost didn’t even happen,” said 22-year-old Jason Morales, a political science major.

“How many professors even mentioned it in class today? None of mine did and it kind of upset me. We as a nation should never forget what happened to our country no matter how long ago,” said Morales. “It should never be just something to learn to pass some history class. We need to remember the tragic and happy events that happen in our country, it’s who and what we are.”

Some people even forgot it was Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

“I feel sad now that someone needed to remind me that it was today,” said Jamie Green, a 20-year-old business major.

“I guess it just shows that we as a nation need to remember even through all of this election stuff that we just went through. We need to remember to honor those that gave their lives for their country. A life should never be taken lightly, especially a soldier’s life,” said Green.

The nation reflected on Pearl Harbor on the seventh of December, and remembered the ones who had fallen and the ones still fighting for our country today.

“Let us never stop honoring those that have fought and are fighting today for our country,” said Morales.