Workout at home during a quarantine

One of the obstacles facing a society without limited resources is finding ways to stay physically fit without the natural normal exercise we got from performing our everyday duties or going to the gym.

Alisa Hakim, 18, is a sonography major who utilized her gym membership regularly but has been forced to find alternate methods to keep in shape.

Before this COVID-19 happened, I was going to the gym and doing my daily workouts that involved working each part of the body on different days,” Hakim said. “But now due to self quarantine, I have been working out in my backyard. I do jumping jacks, jump rope, squats, galloping from one side of the fence to another, abs, stretching and many more.”

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s website for workplace mental health, now more than ever, we all must take care of our mental health and well-being.

“Seven-Minute workouts can be found in the app store, just the free ones, there is always going to be paid apps, but just go for the free ones,” said nutrition professor Timaree Hagenburger. “I think YouTube is going to be a better place to find that information and examples.” 

Hagenburger is referring to phone app stores, either Google Play or Apple’s app store. Amazon Prime also has targeted workouts available through its streaming service for fire sticks and cubes.

“I don’t have any equipment or weights at home, so I enjoy getting out and about to do my walks,” said 42-year-old graphic design major, Adrienne Berg. “My son loves to do yoga with me, so that also helps keep me motivated.” 

Exercise reduces levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body’s natural pain killers and mood elevators, according to an article by Harvard Health Publishing.

“Exercise is key right now, thankfully, we’re not in a situation like with the fires where it was hard to breathe, so physically we couldn’t be outside,” Hagenburger said.

While gyms must abide by the governor’s mandatory business order, there are several exercises that don’t require equipment or trainer’s.

“I’m a senior citizen, so the internet helps a lot,” said Laurie Jones, a 69-year-old gerontology major. “I at least get out and walk and do Tai Chi Chih, by Justin Stone, exercises from a previous class, lifting canned food and stretch bands.”

The military’s core exercises are push-ups, sit-ups and running which can be conducted virtually anywhere and provide a good balance of development. Just remember, if running outside, to be mindful of 6 foot social distancing and wind direction as the dynamic of transmission changes with speed. 

With mass amounts of uncertainty about when we will be able to return to our normal lifestyles, the longer we are at home, the more important it becomes to maintain our health and wellness for life beyond Covid-19.

Los Rios’s Campus Well website is a resource for learning how to eat, workout, maintain mental health, sleep, thrive and even manage finances to help alleviate some of the stressors students are going through. All that and more can be found at

As a final thought from professor Hagenburger, “We will get through this together and emerge stronger, smarter, more compassionate and with improved nutritional status.